Latest News:High risk of secondary pollution of drinking water at home


【ETtoday News Cloud / Website Report】Drinking plenty of water is very important to health, especially for growing children, which have a higher metabolic rate and higher water demand than adults. Infants and young children mainly rely on liquid food, and water intake is the key . In fact, many people only started to pay special attention to drinking water at home when they were upgraded to become parents. Not only is the "water quality at home" on the parent-child website a hot topic of discussion, most of the mothers who participated in the discussion were worried that the drinking water at home was not clean, they were afraid My beloved baby, drink a problem.



I’m so afraid that my child will drink dirty water", "Can tap water be boiled directly for my baby?", "Mommies, are you comfortable with the quality of XX?" Entering the discussion area of ​​parent-child websites, you can always see many mothers worried. Ask about drinking water at home, because infants and young children’s immune system is not yet fully developed, so their intestines and stomachs are particularly sensitive. In addition, from birth to about 3 years old, their diet is mainly liquid and semi-liquid food. If you drink unclean food Water, it is easy to have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and other symptoms. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, about 300 to 500 children die each year due to diarrhea. In addition to the hygiene problems of feeding bottles and water containers, "water" is also one of the causes of gastrointestinal diseases.

Is drinking water safe at home? The Department of Health stated that the trace minerals contained in the water treated and purified by the water plant, such as zinc, calcium, magnesium, copper, etc., are within a safe range. These substances are beneficial to the human body, but the tap water is delivered to every household In the process, it is easy to cause "secondary pollution" due to rust, microorganisms, and germs contained in water pipes and water towers. Therefore, it is recommended not to drink directly. For children, the problem of "secondary pollution" must not be taken carelessly. Take old lead water pipes as an example, because old lead water pipes easily release lead, which can harm the kidneys and nervous system and is highly toxic to children. , If you drink water with excessive lead for a long time, it may lead to delayed physical and mental development and learning disabilities.

To drink clean water, ordinary people use boiling method most often, but it takes a certain time to boil to achieve a good sterilization effect, and some pollutants, such as metallic lead, pesticides, pesticides, etc., may be difficult to remove by boiling. Therefore, more and more consumers choose to install water purifiers in their homes. At present, some companies on the market adopt the "high-density activated carbon filter + ultraviolet lamp" water purification technology, using a special patented technology to compress the activated carbon into porous carbon bricks. When water passes through the activated carbon, chemical substances and impurities will be blocked in the holes. The inner walls of these channels will also adsorb various organic pollutants, which can remove more than 140 pollutants including lead and mercury. After filtering, use an ultraviolet lamp to sterilize. When the ultraviolet intensity reaches more than 40,000 microwatts per square centimeter, the sterilization efficiency can reach 99.99%, which can eliminate bacteria and viruses in the water. Therefore, the high-density activated carbon combined with ultraviolet sterilization can effectively avoid "secondary pollution", allowing parents who are concerned about their children's drinking water problems to have a more secure choice.